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holistic doula

Welcome to A Natural Minded Mama!


A Natural Minded Mama is a...

  •  Holistic Doula 

  • Nutritionist 

  • Breastfeeding Counselor 

  • Yoga Teacher 

  • Babywearing Educator 

  • Cloth Diapering Educator 

  • Photographer/Videographer 

  • Natural Parenting ​Advocate 


Based in Charleston, SC and serving surrounding areas.





I love working within the Charleston, SC area to nurture and support birthing people through fertility, pregnancy, labor, birth and postpartum. I provide nutritional counseling, prenatal yoga, emotional, psychosocial, & perinatal support, physical pain management, informed consent in all prenatal, labor, birth, and postpartum care. Hydrotherapy via a birth pool is one of the many labor support tools I offer to my home birth families as well as birth pool rentals to local families. 

Breastfeeding and formula feeding counseling to make sure my doula families are properly prepared to nourish their little one(s).

I also provide photography and videography in general, but I offer these to birthing families, as well. I am a cloth diaper and baby-wearing educator which is part of my postpartum care if so desired by the family.


 The modern hospital birthing process tends to be highly interventionist, taking away decision making from birthing people. This results in many unwanted and, in many cases, unwarranted procedures that are not evidence-based. 

Studies have shown having a Doula as apart of your birth team drastically reduces the rates of unnecessary interventions, significantly shorter lengths of labor, cesarean births and increases the likelihood of a healthy, positive birth experience


I am here to help you along your birthing journey with the knowledge & support you need to make fully informed choices and have the best experience possible. 


Book your free virtual Doula consultation here.


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Schedule your services here



 Contact me at 


 Charleston, South Carolina 


Contact your Birth Doula

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Prenatal Yoga Charleston South Carolina
Doula Charleston, SC
Prenatal Nutrition Charleston South Carolina
Birth Affirmations Charleston SC
Homebirth Charleston, SC
baby wearing
Doula Charleston, SC
VBAC Charleston, SC
Placenta Options Homebirth South Carolina
cloth diapers

I’m not a big advocate of home birth.... But I became a believer... so hear me out.... Women out there, stay in tuned with yourself and your body. You’re the only one that knows what’s going to happen. Your body will tell you everything. I witnessed this firsthand... My wife is an amazing woman... Super strong... That’s saying a lot coming from the background I came from....

We was told she needed a C-section cause she was overdue... I was kinda on board with this... But, me and my wife talked... and it did get a little heated, cause of me. But, I quickly let her stay her peace while I calmed down... she wanted the home birth.... the more she talked I still felt like this wasn’t a good idea... she was sure this baby will come on her own... (Did I mention? She’s a VBAC) I know the last thing she needs is stress. So I listened.... GUYS LISTEN!!! Just don’t let them talk, LISTEN! Be in tune with your Wife, Girlfriend or what have you. Cause you’re a Man doesn’t not mean you have to be a dick. SHE KNOWS HER BODY! LET IT TELL HER WHAT TO DO!!! And be the Dad that steps up to the plate, be the one who delivers your child.... I’m still in a world of emotions right now as I write this... but the best feeling in the world.... Daddy was there from day 1!

I can’t thank the Doulas enough that come and helped out when things happened. It happened quick, but we all had a plan, and was prepared. We had a few of our close friends come to help as well. The Doulas we had was so awesome to help with couching and relaxation techniques, Aroma therapy and natural foods, yoga and drinks to help get the stars aligned... At 6/4/2020 at 12:43pm... Our Daughter was born!!! 8lbs 5oz And in my arms! Not a Doctors, DADDYS! I handed Josie to my wife for skin to skin contact. When they got them both on the couch and started breast feeding right away. And my wife acted like nothing happened and she was up walking around and smiling from ear to ear. She did this without medication or epidurals. I have a new found respect for what women go through. She my new superhero.... It takes two to make a child. Be part of that team when your child is ready to come on its own. Deliver your baby...

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